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Contents of Books by C. Roy Hunter


Hypnosis for Inner Conflict Resolution: Introducing Parts Therapy 
by C. Roy Hunter, M.S., FAPHP
(2005, Crown House Publishing)


Chapter 1: Overview
What Is Parts Therapy? When Is Parts Therapy Appropriate? Who Will Most Likely Respond? Why Is Client-Centered Parts Therapy Effective? Variations

Chapter 2: Charles Tebbetts: Parts Therapy Pioneer
Who Was Charles Tebbetts? Parts Therapy Pioneer; Article written by Charles Tebbetts; Important Updates

Chapter 3: Important Background Information
The Four Primary Hypnotherapy Objectives; Which Hypnotherapy Objectives Can Parts Therapy Fulfill? Why Training in Regression Therapy is a Prerequisite; Psychodynamics and Ideomotor Responding

Chapter 4: Proper Preparation
Explain Parts Therapy to the Client; Deepen Appropriately; Establish a Safe Place; Establish (or Confirm) Finger Responses; Verify Hypnotic Depth; Know the 11-Step Process; Additional Comments

Chapter 5: The First Four Steps
The Risk of Imagery in Parts Therapy; Step 1: Identify the Part; Step 2: Gain Rapport; Step 3: Call Out the Part; Combining Steps 1-3; Sample Scripts; Step 4: Thank it for Emerging; Reviewing Steps 1-4; Detours

Chapter 6: The Important Fifth Step: Discover Its Purpose
Why Should a Part Choose a Name or Title? Ask the "W" Questions; Possible Detour; Avoid Inappropriate Leading; Sample Scripts; Important Advice from Charles Tebbetts; Parts that Use Finger Responses

Chapter 7: Let the Mediation Begin
Step 6: Call Out Other Parts as Appropriate; Step 7: Mediate and Negotiate; Detours

Chapter 8: Terms of Agreement
Step 8: Ask Parts to Come to Terms of Agreement; Step 9: Confirm and Summarize Terms of Agreement

Chapter 9: The Final Steps
Step 10: Give Direct Suggestion as Appropriate; Step 11: INTEGRATE the Parts! Give Additional Suggestions and/or Guided Imagery; Concluding the Session

Chapter 10: The Typical Session 
John: Weight Reduction; Outline of Parts Therapy Session

Chapter 11: Sample Sessions 
The Smoker; Unexpected Cause; Career Compromise; Getting Big; Big Protection; A Smokey Mirror; Professional Confidence; Sweet Tooth; The Rose

Chapter 12: Potential Pitfalls and Other Concerns
Advance Explanation Not Given; Assuming Command and Giving Orders; Calling Out Too Many Parts; Casting Out Parts (Exorcism); Creating New Parts; Freezing or Immobilizing a Part; Getting Sidetracked; Multiple Personality Disorder; Real or Imagined Entities; Skipping Steps; Taking Sides with the Dominant Part; Other Concerns

Chapter 13: New Frontiers
The Road; Light for the Life Path; Divine Guidance; Healing the Soul; Unresolved Past Grief; Exploring Spiritual Potential and More…



The Art of Hypnosis: Mastering Basic Techniques - 3rd edition

by C. Roy Hunter, M.S., FAPHP
(1994, 1996, 2000, Kendall/Hunt Publishing; 2010 Crown House Publishing)




1. Overview
The Purpose of This Book, Who Was Charles Tebbetts? Part I: Basic Hypnosis Training, Part II: Hypnotherapy, Part III: Advanced Hypnotherapy Techniques

2. Hypnosis: What IS It and Why Use It?
Why Use Hypnosis?, Subconscious Resistance to Change, "Old Tapes" Must Be Changed, What Is Hypnosis?, Hypnosis = Altered Consciousness, The Four States of Mind, Correct Terminology for People in Hypnosis, Faith and Hypnosis Are Closely Related, Hypnotic Formula: Components of Hypnosis, Are the Ingredients Enough?

3. Hypnosis: Yesterday & Today
The Purpose of this Chapter, Possible Origins of Hypnosis, The Hypnotic Pioneers of Yesteryear, Hypnotic Pioneers of the 18th Century, Hypnosis in the 19th Century, The Most Common Mistake of the Pioneers, 20th Century Hypnosis, The ART of Hypnotherapy: Birth of a New Profession, Legal Recognition of Hypnotherapy, The Future of Hypnosis

4. The Dual Roles of Suggestibility Tests
Wording Is Important, Tebbetts Suggestibility Tests (Roy Hunter style), Should You Use Suggestibility Tests Every Time?, Before You Begin Hypnosis...

5. Inductions and Awakening
How Do We Induce Hypnosis?, Induction Type #1: Eye Fixation, Type #2: Relaxation (or Fatigue of Nervous System), Type #3: Mental Confusion, Type #4: Mental Misdirection, Type #5: Loss of Equilibrium, Type #6: Shock to Nervous System, Unique Technique, IMPORTANT ADVICE REGARDING TOUCH, Your Imagination Is the Limit, VOICE: Your Greatest Tool, Awakening

6. Deepening the Hypnotic State
Recognizing the Trance State, Depths of Hypnosis, How to Deepen the Hypnotic State, What About Guided Imagery for Deepening?

7. Testing During Hypnosis
How Does Testing Benefit the Client?, Eye Catalepsy Test, The Hand Clasp Test, The Rigid Arm Test, Automatic Motion, Arm Levitation, To Use Arm Levitation Without Touch, What If a Client Fails Two Tests?, Can Convincers Be Used to Measure Hypnotic Depth?

8. Post-Hypnotic Suggestion & Suggestion Structure
Non-therapeutic Post-hypnotic Suggestion, Therapeutic Post-hypnotic Suggestion, Post-hypnotic Suggestion as a Hypnotic Induction, Direct and Indirect Suggestion, Constructing Effective Suggestions

9. Ethics & Potential Dangers
What Constitutes Ethics?, "Hypnotic Seal", Ethics Legislated in Washington State, Is Hypnosis Dangerous?, Just What Constitutes Adequate Training?, Do Advanced Degrees Stop Unwise Use of Hypnosis?, Be Non-Judgmental of Your Clients

10. Self-Hypnosis for Stress Coping 
Stress Release Options -- the Healthy Choices, Doing It, It Only Works When It Is Used

11. Concepts about the Subconscious Taught by CharlesTebbetts
Six Functions of the Subconscious, The Five Methods of Subconscious Programming, The Rules of the Mind, So... WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?

12. Introducing the Art of Hypnotherapy
So... Just What Is Hypnotherapy?, How Can Hypnotherapy Resolve Problems?, Are All These Steps Necessary?, Preview of Parts Therapy, In Conclusion



The Art of Hypnotherapy - 4th edition
by C. Roy Hunter, M.S., FAPHP
(2010, Crown House Publishing)
NOTE: Numerous hypnosis schools require their students to purchase this text!


Preface  (by Joyce Tebbetts)

1. Introduction to Hypnotherapy

Why Is Hypnotherapy the Answer? Which Title Do We Use: Hypnotist, or Hypnotherapist? The Biggest Hypnotic Secret Revealed, Charles Tebbetts: a Master Teacher, Learn the Art of Hypnosis First, Who Should Teach Hypnosis? Truth Removes Fear, The Purpose of This Book, Hypnotherapy Associations Originally Recognizing This Course

2. The Preinduction Interview (Intake Session)

Objective #1: Building and Maintaining Rapport
Objective #2: Allaying Fears
Objective #3: Building Mental Expectancy
Objective #4: Gathering Information
The Importance of Choice

3. The Four Cornerstones of Successful Hypnotherapy

Overview, 1. Suggestion and Imagery, 2. Discover the Cause, 3. Release, 4. Subconscious Relearning, Additional Comments

4. The Benefits Approach

The Subconscious Resists Force, Identify the Benefits, Explain the Role of Imagination, What about the Price of Change? Doing Hypnotherapy: Benefits Approach, What Are Typical Client Benefits? What Do You Say? After Hypnosis, The Next Session, Mapping the Motivation,  Why Not Begin with Advanced Techniques? Scripts for Progressions, Non Smoking Script, Benefits Approach Weight Management Script, Benefits Approach

5. Anchoring and Triggers

Triggers of Habit, Anchored Memories, Anchored Attitudes and Desires, Anchored Emotions, Anchoring and Hypnotherapy, Peaceful Place (or Safe Place), Peaceful Place Meditation

6. Techniques to Discover the Cause

Does the Client Know the Cause of a Problem?Ideomotor Responding, Seven Psychodynamics of a Symptom, Script for Psychodynamics, Age Regression, The Affect Bridge Technique, Dream Interpretation, Parts Therapy, When a Client Fails to Respond… One Final Caution!

7. Regression Therapy

Spontaneous Regression, Guiding vs. Leading, Phase 1: Client Preparation, Phase 2: Regression Techniques to Discover the Cause, Phase 3: Abreactions and Release, Phase 4: Subconscious Relearning, Phase 5: Concluding the Session, Additional Hypnotic Advice

8. Parts Therapy

Parts Therapy: What Is It? Variations of Parts Therapy, When to Use Parts Therapy, Before You Begin, The Therapist's Role: Mediator, How to Get Results, Preparation, The 11-Step Process, Concluding the Session, Cautions (Potential Pitfalls), Examples of Successful Parts Therapy, Parting Thoughts

9. Other Rapid Change Techniques

Imagery, Systematic Desensitization, Implosive Desensitization, Desensitization by Object Projection, Silent Abreaction (Reframing), Inner Guide, Verbalizing, Direct Suggestion, Indirect Suggestion, Important Advice from Charles Tebbetts, What about Aversion Therapy? White Light Healing Technique, Past Life Therapy, Other Cautions

10. Phobias

Simple Phobias, Complex Phobias, Sensitizing Event(s), Activating Event, Handling the Pre‑induction Interview, Potential Therapy Techniques for Phobias, Now What? Glossary (of common phobias)

11. Putting It Together

Successes Facilitated by Charles Tebbetts, A Few of My Successes, Student Therapy Successes

12. A “Miracle on Demand”

13. Past Life Regressions

Possible Explanations, Spontaneous Past Life Regression, ETHICS, Techniques to Initiate Regression, Guiding vs. Leading, Past Life Abreactions, Additional Remarks

14. Peak Performance

Power Points for Success, Why Use Regressions? Choosing Power Points, The Session: CELEBRATE YOUR SUCCESS! Post Hypnosis Discussion, Who Can Benefit? Doing It!

15. Motivation Mapping

The Five Subconscious Motivators, Objectives of Motivation Mapping, When Is Motivation Mapping Used? Which Session Is Best? Completing the Map, Mapping a Smoker, Mapping for Weight Management, Mapping Other Habits, Scoring, Now What?

16. Sources of Subconscious Motivation

Repetition, Authority, Desire for Identity (ego), Hypnosis/Self‑Hypnosis, Emotion, Final Comments

17. Common Potential Applications of Hypnotherapy

Anger and Stress Management, Confidence and/or Self‑esteem, Depression, Forensic Hypnosis, Grief Therapy, Habit Control, Impotence, Medical Uses of Hypnosis, Memory and Study Habits, Multiple Personalities (D.I.D.), Public Speaking, Remembering Lost Items, Sales & Business Motivation, Sexual Abuse, Sports Enhancement, Stuttering, Substance Abuse, Suicidal, Test Anxiety, Tinnitus, Ongoing Training and Professional Improvement

18. The Journey Continues



Mastering the Power of Self-Hypnosis - 2nd edition
by C. Roy Hunter, M.S., FAPHP
(2010 Crown House Publishing)





Part I: Introduction to Self-Hypnosis

Chapter 1: The Purpose of This Book
Chapter 2: What Is Hypnosis?
Chapter 3: Hypnosis Then and Now
Chapter 4: Entering Self-Hypnosis

Part II: Subconscious Programming

Chapter 5: Why Program the Subconscious?
Chapter 6: Gateways to the Subconscious
Chapter 7: The Quintuple Whammy
Chapter 8: Exercises to Manage Stress

Part III: Planning the Journey

Chapter 9: Clearing Obstacles
Chapter 10: Define and Celebrate Your Success
Chapter 11: Choosing Goals
Chapter 12: Prioritizing Goals

Part IV: Creative Daydreaming

Chapter 13: Preparation
Chapter 14: Creative Daydreaming Exercises

Part V: Adding Words of Power

Chapter 15: How Words Impact the Mind
Chapter 16: Choosing Your Affirmations
Chapter 17: Adding a Key Word
Chapter 18: HypnoCise

Chapter 19: Where Do We Go from Here?

Appendix 1: When Might Hypnotherapy Be Needed?
Appendix 2: Choosing a Competent Hypnotherapist
Appendix 3: Questions and Answers about Self-Hypnosis
Appendix 4: Motivation Mapping for Smokers
Appendix 5: Motivation Mapping for Weight Management
Appendix 6: Script for Stress Management CD
Appendix 7: Affirmations and Scripts



The Art of Hypnotic Regression Therapy: A Clinical Guide
by Roy Hunter, M.S., and Bruce Eimer, Ph.D.
(2012 Crown House Publishing)


List of Abbreviations

Introduction and Overview

1. Important Background Information
2. Guiding vs. Leading: The Risk of False Memories
3. Phase 1: Client Preparation
4. Phase 2: Regression Techniques to Discover the Cause
5. Phase 3: Abreactions and Release
6. Phase 4: Subconscious Relearning
7. Phase 5: Concluding the Session
8. Past Life Regressions: Fact or Fantasy?
9. Unresolved Past Grief
10. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
11. Hypnotic Regression Therapy Applications and Case Summaries


Appendix: Transcript of a Regression Therapy Session



Through the Looking Glass: American Artists of Hypnosis, 1900-2012

by Roy Hunter, CHt., FAPHP

2013, Alliance Publishing


Chapter 1: Introduction
The Birth of This Book, The Purpose of This Book, Who Should Control Hypnosis? Who Failed? The Organization of the Book

Chapter 2: 1900 to 1940
Émile Coué de la Châtaigneraie, Dave Elman, Dr. Milton Erickson, Ormond McGill, Charles Tebbetts

Chapter 3: Dave Elman
Written by Larry Elman

Chapter 4: 1940 to 1959
Harry Arons and the AAEH, Norbert Bakas, Gil Boyne (Mark Gilboyne), Joan Brandon, Berchman Carville, Dwight Damon, Dewey Deavers, Dave Elman, Arnold Furst (Arnold Furstenberg), Maurice Kershaw, Sol Lewis, Ormond McGill, Rexford L. North and the NGH, Raphael Rhodes, Sidney Schneider, Walter Sichort, Charles Tebbetts, Evolution of Hypnosis, Widespread Controversy, Summary of 1940-1959

Chapter 5: The 1960’s
Parting Paths, Norbert W. Bakas, Theodore X Barber, Pat Collins, Ronald Dante (“Doctor Dante”), Dave Elman, Arnold Furst, John Kappas, Melvin Powers, Walter Sichort and Ultra Depth®, Paul Winchell, Other Pioneers during the 1960’s, Hollywood Spreads More Skepticism

Chapter 6: The 1970’s
Harry Arons and the AAEH, Norbert Bakas and the First Hypnotist Union, Henry Leo Bolduc, Gil Boyne; ACHE and HEC, Edgar Cayce Foundation and AAPH, Randal Churchill, Dwight Damon and NGH, Arnold Furst, Larry Garrett, John Kappas and HMI, Gerald Kein, Maurice Kershaw, Barrie Konicov and World Congress, Al Krasner; AIH and ABH, Sol Lewis, Ormond McGill, Richard Sutphen, Charles Tebbetts, Max Toth, Arthur Winkler

Chapter 7: The 1980’s
Harry Arons and the AAEH, Gil Boyne and the ACHE, Randal Churchill, William Curtis and the NACH, Dwight Damon and the NGH, Paul Durbin, Charles Francis, Richard Harte, Florence Henderson, Marx Howell, John Kappas, Maurice Kershaw, Barrie Konicov; World Congress and NSH, Al Krasner; AIH and ABH, Sean Longacre and the NBHA, Ormond McGill, Marie Mongan, David Quigley, Penny Dutton Raffa and the IHHF, Walter Sichort, Anne Spencer and the IMDHA, Richard and Tara Sutphen, Charles Tebbetts and the HECI: Washington State Recognized Hypnotherapy, The Tebbetts Dream, Arthur & Pam Winkler, Richard Zarro, Diane Zimberoff, COPHO

Chapter 8: The 1990’s and Beyond...A to L
Charlene Ackerman, Conrad Adams and Alpha University, Norbert Bakas, Cal Banyan; 5-PATH® and 7th Path, George Bien, Henry Leo Bolduc, Gil Boyne and the ACHE, Shaun Brookhouse, Georgina Cannon, Allen Chips and NATH, Randal Churchill and Marlene Mulder, Dan Cleary, COPHO, William Curtis and the NACH, Dwight Damon; NGH and Local #104, Paul Durbin, Lynsi Eastburn, Michael Ellner, Larry and Cheryl Elman, Wendi Friesen, Larry Garrett, Scot Giles and the Union (NFH Local #104), Marilyn Gordon, Richard Harte, Devin Hastings, Kevin Hogan, Will Horton, Marx Howell, John Hughes, Roy Hunter (this author), Tad James, John Kappas, Gerald Kein, Al Krasner; AIH and ABH, Jillian LaVelle and IACT, Art Leidecker, Sean Longacre and the NBHA 

Chapter 9: The 1990’s and Beyond...M to Z
Ormond McGill, Marie Mongan and HypnoBirthing®, Tom Nicoli, Robert and Linda Otto; IACT and IMDHA, Debbie Papadakis, David Quigley, Penny Dutton Raffa and the IHHF, James Ramey, Seth-Deborah Roth, Scott Sandland, Walter Sichort, Anne Spencer and the IMDHA, Shelly Stockwell and the IHF, Richard Sutphen, Charles Tebbetts, Jerry Valley, Anna Vitale, Arthur and Pam Winkler, Richard Zarro, Katherine Zimmerman, Other Notable Hypnosis Practitioners

Chapter 10: Closing Comments
Motives of 20th Century Hypnotic Pioneers, The Difference between Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy, In Conclusion



Table of Contents…

Preface by C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD
Foreword by Kourosh Edalati, MD, FRCPC
1. Spiritual Realms Reported by Professionals
2. Case Summaries: Howard Batie
3. Case Summaries: Bruni Brewin
4. Soul Journey through Grief by Bruce Eimer, PhD, ABPP
5. Case Summaries: Roy Hunter
6. Case Summaries: Cindy Locher and Jody Kimmell
7. Case Summaries: Claudia Klein
8. Case Summaries: Eugen Popa
9. Case Summaries: Seth-Deborah Roth
10. Case Summaries: Patricia Scott
11. Case Summaries: Ray & Joni Zukowski
12. Journeys from Guest Authors
13. Epilogue: Observations and Opinions


Last updated: June 2, 2016